Learning Path
Before started Learning iOS Developing, I have learned C and do some practices on I didn’t even learn object-oriented coding before.
On starting, I went Junior of my University Life.
I first play with Swift Playgrounds App, finished Learn to Code 1
and Learn to Code 2
to have a basic idea of swift. It’s fun, but I won’t recommend it to you who have basic knowledge of programming.
After that, I read document of swift to have a deeper understanding. It took me about 3 weeks, in fact, only a small part is left in my mind, it’s a huge jump from C to Swift, swift are full to features for modern high level programming language, beside, I haven’t learn something about object-oriented. As a result, I have a basic understanding of swift, get to know those fancy usage, but when see something like @Environment
, I have no idea what’s happening.
After that, I followed iOS App Dev Tutorial, it first goes well, but I can’t catch up when starting UIKit part, and I didn’t know how to store data. It’s like I know what’s happening when seeing the code for most time, but I didn’t know how to make it my own.
Then, to learn C++, I read C++ Primer, and have access to object-oriented programming the first time in my life, it’s helps understanding swift.
After that, to have a better understanding of SwiftUI, I followed the courses:
Still, what you can learn is limited just following the tutorial and copy some coce rather than do it by your self.
Up to now, I can declare some basic UI Views, passing data between views. I don’t know how to store data persistantly, connect to internet, and so on.
I’m currently following the Stanford Course CS193p, and plan to read Human Interface Guidelines after, beside, I’m reading documents of SwiftUI.
- Post title:iOSDevLearning
- Post author:Meqt
- Create time:2023-01-15 13:07:19
- Post link:
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