Regex DemoThis is a recap of WWDC’s Swift @Metadata { @CallToAction( purpose: link, url: “https://developer.a... -
Tune low-level performanceIs Swift Getting Rusty? C++ InteroperabilityThis topic is greatly interconnectted with the topic ab... -
I have learned several programming languages like C++(C11), Python3, Swift(5.8), and just started learning Rust. I have had a... -
Rust, Swift and C++
A simple Comparsion on Swift, Rust, C++’s syntax as a beginner on Rust after learning some swift and C/C++. Three static-type... -
Swift Server Practice
In Vapor, if you want your server program accessible to outside network, you set your hostname with the following code: 1weba... -
Swift Package 下载慢解决方法
Date: Sun Feb 26 17:11:43 CST 2023 I first thought would be a problem with Xcode itself, but I’m not not much sure about it. ... -
Learning PathBefore started Learning iOS Developing, I have learned C and do some practices on leetcode.com. I didn’t even le... -
Website Links
Network Access 魔戒.net VPN, 130G for 12.00 RMB. Study Sites: Khan Academy Khan Academy is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.... -
C/C++ WebServer 5 项目实战与总结
阻塞和非阻塞、同步和异步网络IO数据就绪 阻塞 非阻塞:不会改变线程的状态,通过返回值判断数据读写,应用程序 同步 异步:通知方式,更为麻烦在处理I/O的时候,阻塞和非阻塞都是同步I/O,只有使用了特殊的AP1 才是异步I/O。Linux:AIOW... -
C/C++ WebServer 4 Linux 网络编程
网络结构模式C/S 结构MAC地址、IP地址、端口MAC地址48位,OSI第二层(数据链路层)网卡(以太网、无线网)功能: 数据的封装与解封装 链路管理 数据编码与译码 MAC:前三个字节:制造商后三个字节:制造商的某个产品ifconfig IP...
Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.